Wednesday, 24 August 2016

C is for Calendar Art

I love Calendar Art!  It is a great fundraiser for the school - and makes awesome gifts for grandparents!  I aways buying the cards - they look good and are good value as well.

I love doing Calendar Art with the children, however passed it over to Miss Monty who was in Room 6 today.  Here is a sneak peak of the work the children were doing and some of the finished products.

I am sure there will be information from the PFG shortly on how to order these -

Sunday, 14 August 2016

C is for Can Do Attitude

We have been busy with our new Play Based Learning in Room 6 this term.

We are starting to get our new routines set up, and the children have been having fun investigating the new environment.

Along with this we have been looking deeper into what PLAY is, how we can LEARN when we play, and the type of attitude that will help us.

Ask your child about their CAN DO attitude, it is something we have been exploring lots in Room 6.