Thursday, 10 March 2016

S is for Spider.

This week we have been doing lots of work around our poem ...The Incy Wincy Spider.  During Literacy times we read a lots of different spider stories.  We liked the Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle. This inspired some great art on our walls and some fun very busy stories!

We finished out the week with a spider themed Discovery Time...we were focusing on being creative and solving problems ourselves.

We had some fun sensory activities looking for the spiders in the rice.

We have read lots of great books about spiders this week.

We got creative with lots of different making bits and pieces.

Playdough spiders are fun!!!  We know there are two parts to the body and eight legs.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

S is for Seasons

As part of our Inquiry Unit on change we have been doing lots of talking about how time passes. We have been looking at the things that take a short time and things that take a long time, the days of the week, months of the year, and of course how people change as the years go by.

The children in Room 6 and Room 7 enjoyed a big book about Grumpy Bear this week.  Grumpy Bear went to sleep for a long time and that lead into some learning about the seasons.

While Miss Gargan and Mrs O'Leary were teaching reading the children worked in table groups to create these great seasons posters.