We have been learning all about bucket filling in the Kiwi Syndicate over the past two weeks. It is a great way to share and show kindness and the children have a really good understanding of the things they can do to fill other peoples buckets.
Today we brainstormed ideas before Discovery Time of ways we could enjoy working and playing together and fill our own and others buckets.
The children did all these things during our session and had lots of fun. When we got back to Room 6 they wrote stories about what they had done at Discovery Time.
Today at Discovery Time I played with Alex.
Today at Discovery Time I played with the girls.
Today at Discovery Time we were in a box.
Today at Discovery Time I played families with Olivia, Sophie and Millie.
Today at Discovery Time I played trains with Jayden.
Today at Discovery Time I made a flag all by myself.
Today at Discovery Time we played families only. Olivia and Olivia and Millie only.
Nice work Room 6 - it filled my bucket to see you all playing together so imaginatively. You were being creative as well as exploring things. I loved seeing you play so well with your friends.