Thursday, 25 June 2015

O is for Our Stories

It was lovely to share our learning with so many families today, thanks for your support.  The children have had fun learning their own stories, it was a fun way for our inquiry topic on the First World War to lead us.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

P is for present!

Room 6 received a present in the mail today....

It was very exciting..we didn't know what it was but we all had a touch and a guess...

we wondered if it might be....some lego, a bunny, chocolate, an instrument, a ball, a dress up or a book!

We read on the box that the package had been sent from another class with 5 and 6 year olds just like us, what would they send us?

LOOK....they have sent us Anzac Ted!!  We loved this book.   We can't wait to take him places and share some of our learning with him...

Monday, 8 June 2015

H is for Helping Hands

We were lucky enough to have an ex student of Redwood School in our class today.  He was here to help as part of the Helping Hands community work his class at Tawa Intermediate have been involved in.  I think I would like to have him every day!!  Sam worked with just about every child, reading with them, he was a great help at reading time - running a rhyming words game, he helped me spot the kids who were showing RED behaviour and give them table points...thanks Sam we loved having you!

Thursday, 4 June 2015

B is for Brave!

How brave the children in Room 6 with their buddy class Room 11 were this week.  We were hosting whole school assembly and presented an item.  We have been spending our buddy class time practicing our Te Reo.

 We have been learning the phrase 

No hea ia? (Where is he/she from? )

and have been responding with with our turangawaewae (a place where we feel connected)

No ________ ahau.   (I am from _______)

It is very hard to try new things and I was very proud of the children for embracing this learning.

Thanks to all the parents who came and supported us, as well as dressing your children so beautifully.

The children from Room 6 and Room 11 have a variety of countries that they feel connected to.
Haina (China), Piripini (Philippines), Inia (India), Hairana (Thailand), Tonga, Hamoa (Samoa), Afrika ke te Tonga (South Africia), Horana (Holland), Ingarani (England), Amerika ke te Tonga (South America), Aerani (Ireland), Kotarana (Scotland), Merihia (Malaysia), Aotearoa, and the Ngati Poroa and Nga Puhi iwi.

I had grand ideas of making a video clip with the children dressed up and speaking - we came back from assembly all excited...photographed and recorded the children....but alas I made an error and it didn't come together right!!

Here are a couple of photo's I managed to save -