Thursday, 19 March 2015

F is for Fire Truck

Did you hear we had a fire truck come to school today?  It was very exciting.  Thanks to the Tawa Volunteer Firefighters who took time out to bring the truck up to school today.  We loved counting the hoses....there were 27!!

We learnt about all the different things the firefighters do, and got to have a really good look at the truck.

It was very cool and we are looking forward to starting our Fire Wise learning next week.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

C is for competition

We have been having a competition in Room is a Teacher v. Children competition!

When the children in Room 6 are making good choices and following our class rules they get a point.  They know all the right things to do, sitting nicely on the mat, putting their hands up to talk, showing our RED values, being engaged in their learning, working quietly and trying their best.  If they are not doing these things the teacher gets a point!

You will see that the children have been doing a good job of winning the competition.  Each day the winner gets to decide what we do for the last 10 minutes of the day.  The children enjoyed a play in the sunshine yesterday.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

E is for Elephant

We had a great poem this week - it was about the elephants trunk.  It inspired some cute art, which the children in Room 6 proudly showed at the Kiwi/Tui Assembly this week.  It looks super cute on our classroom walls now, come check it out!

They did a great job of reading the poem with interesting is in their poem books, so make sure they read them to you over the weekend.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

P is for portrait

Well portraits of a sort!!  We had a bit of fun last Friday with this Andy Warhol style of portrait.

The children were asked to use only 4 different colours on each photo.  They could colour any part of themselves they choose.